Sunday, 29 July 2012
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Tulisa's Friend, 21, Shot Dead In Gangland Hit
Reece James, 21, a close friend of Tulisa Contostavlos has been shot dead in a reported gangland attack. The 21-year-old, who appeared with Tulisa in a video for rapper Nines, was shot in the head in a "pre-planned and targeted" hit, 100 miles from his home in London, reports the UK's Sun newspaper. Police found James' body in Boscombe, Bournemouth, at around 2.30am near where Somali drug gangs are said operate. A 22-year-old man was arrested. Reece was said to have been in the area with some friends for "a couple of months", though had filmed the video earlier this month with Tulisa and rapper Nines on the Church End Estate in Harlesden, North West London. The former N Dubz star caused controversy at the time, making a "C" symbol to the camera - the same sign that is used by Harlesden's notorious Church Road Soldiers gang. Tulisa claimed it was a reference to Camden, where she was born. Twitter tributes began flooding in last night, with one user writing, "RIP Reece James. Thoughts are with him and his family and friends". Local MP Tobias Ellwood described the killing as "a spill over from the drugs turf war in the capital", adding, "This was one London gang chasing down another, carrying out a professional hit and then going back".
Friday, 27 July 2012
Gangs of highway robbers are targeting British tourists on holiday in Spain.
Hundreds of visitors in British-registered vehicles or hire cars have had their possessions, passports and money taken in ‘quick and slick’ distraction muggings.
The thieves typically trick their victims with loud noises, apparent accidents, supposed vehicle problems or pleas for help – before stealing bags and belongings from their vehicles.

Thieves: Hundreds of visitors in British-registered vehicles or hire cars have had their possessions, passports and money taken in 'quick and slick' distraction muggings
As millions of families begin their summer breaks, the Foreign Office has warned British-registered cars are ‘an easy target’ for motorway thieves.
The number of British tourists ambushed on Spanish roads has soared as the euro crisis has deepened, with the British Embassy in Madrid reporting a 10 per cent rise in the first quarter of this year.
A spokesman for the embassy said: ‘Motorists may be driving along the motorway and not notice there’s a car close up behind.
‘Someone in the other car throws a stone at their vehicle which creates a loud bang. The British drivers pull over to see what has happened and the gang is behind them.
‘They cause a distraction to steal from them or simply mug them. It’s a growing problem.’

Warning: As millions of families begin their summer breaks, the Foreign Office has warned British-registered cars are ¿an easy target¿ for motorway thieves
A hotspot for the gangs is the AP7 motorway between the French border and the Alicante region in southern Spain.
More than 140 cases of theft on this route were reported to British Consulates last year.
However, a spokesman said there were likely to be ‘hundreds more’ attacks going unreported across Spain because victims usually contact a British consulate only if they have lost their passport.
Dave Thomas, consular regional director for Spain, said: ‘Be on your guard against anyone who attempts to stop you or ask you for help.
‘They may well be part of a gang operating a scam in which an unseen accomplice will rob you of your things.’
Stephen and Helen Robinson, from Desford, Leicestershire, had their bags stolen from their Audi Q5 as they stopped to walk their labrador retriever Polly at a service station between Barcelona and Valencia.
The couple, who are in their 50s, were standing at the boot of their car when a man on a mobile phone asked them how to say something in English.
While he distracted them, their belongings were taken from the front of the car, despite Polly being inside.
Mrs Robinson said: ‘It was quick and slick. You may be more tired and therefore more vulnerable when you’ve been travelling, so separate your valuables into different places in the car, and when you stop be aware you may be being watched. You won’t see the accomplice of the person who is distracting you.’
In a separate incident, Joy and Alan Horton, from Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk, were driving a Ford Focus hatchback through Spain when they heard a loud bang and pulled over.
A car that had been travelling close behind them also stopped, and while the driver talked to them, his accomplice stole their possessions without them noticing.
Mr Horton said: ‘If you think your car may have been in a collision and you pull over, lock the car as soon as you get out and mount a guard on both sides of the vehicle. Keep all bags and valuables in a locked boot.’
Professor Stephen Glaister, of the RAC Foundation, said: ‘Drivers need to remember to stay alert and be ready for unwelcome surprises just as they would be at home.’
Thursday, 26 July 2012
The biggest fines in British maritime history were handed down to a group of Spanish fishermen on Thursday, for illegal fishing in UK waters.

Some of the biggest fines in British maritime history were handed down to a group of Spanish fishermen on Thursday, for illegal fishing in UK waters.
Two companies owned by the Vidal family were fined £1.62m in total in a Truro court, after a two-day hearing, in which details emerged of falsified log books, failing to register the transfer of fish between vessels, false readings given for weighing fish at sea, and fiddling of fishing quotas.
Judge Graham Cottle said the family were guilty of "wholesale falsification of official documentation" that amounted to a "systematic, repeated and cynical abuse of the EU fishing quota system over a period of 18 months".
He said: "[This was a] flagrant, repeated and long term abuse of regulations. The fish targeted [hake] was at that time a species of fish on the verge if collapse and adherence to quotas was seen as crucial to the survival of the species."
The Spanish fishing vessels had been sailing under UK flags and were landing fish based on quotas given to British fishermen under the EU's common fisheries policy. Two vessels were involved, but the companies own several other large vessels, capable of industrial-scale fishing.
The offending fishermen, who admitted their guilt earlier this year, were not in court to hear him, having been given leave to return to Spain last night. The offences, dating from 2009 and 2010, relate to two companies, Hijos De Vidal Bandin SA and Sealskill Limited, both owned by the Vidal family. They were fined £925,000 on a confiscation order, plus £195,000 in costs, and an additional fine of £250,000 levied on each of the two companies. Two skippers who were acting under the family's instructions were fined £5,000 each.
Ariana Densham, oceans campaigner at Greenpeace, who was present for the trial and judgement, said that the fines, while welcome, did not go far enough. "This group of people should never be allowed near UK fishing quota again," she said. "The Vidal's right to fish should be removed completely."
She said the offences showed the vulnerability of the EU's fishing quota system to fraud. "The system that allowed this to happen needs to be fixed," she said. "This case is not a one off. It's a symptom of Europe's farcical fishing rules. The Vidals were permitted to fish under UK flags, using UK quota, and receive huge EU subsidies, with none of the proceeds ever feeding back into the UK economy. The system is skewed in favour of rich, powerful, industrial-scale fishing companies, when really it should be supporting low-impact, sustainable fishermen."
There are currently moves under way in Brussels by the fisheries commissioner, Maria Damanaki, to reform the EU's common fisheries policy. The proposed reforms – which include the ending of the wasteful practice of discarding healthy and edible fish at sea – have met stiff opposition, particularly from the French and Spanish fishing industries. Spain has the biggest fishing fleet in Europe and receives the lion's share of the subsidies available for fishing within the EU. A historic agreement was reached among member states last month on the proposals, but they must now pass the European parliament, which is expected to consider the proposals later this year.
Friday, 20 July 2012
Invasion of the pickpockets
Britain is in the grip of a pickpocketing epidemic as Eastern European gangs descend on London ahead of the Olympic Games.
A surge in sneak street thefts means more than 1,700 people fall victim every day – an increase of nearly a fifth in only two years, according to official crime figures released yesterday.
At the same time, police warned that professional gangs from Romania, Lithuania and even South America who operate in capitals across Europe are heading to Britain, intent on cashing in on unwitting tourists at London 2012.

How they do it: A member of the pickpocket gang approaches a BBC reporter investigating the rise in thefts ahead of the Olympics

Keeping him occupied: The man speaks to the victim on the pretense of needing directions while another gang member approaches from behind
A BBC investigation exposed the tactics used by Romanian thieves, who were previously operating in Barcelona, to dupe their victims.
The criminals boasted of their ‘one-second’ theft techniques which leave targets unaware that anything has happened until it is too late. They can make £4,000 a week taking wallets, smartphones and laptop bags. The goods are then shipped back to Romania and sold on the black market.
The Met has even drafted in a team of Romanian police officers to deal with the problem and patrol in the West End of London and Westminster during the Games. They will not have arrest powers.

Distracted: An accomplice (left) then plays drunk so he can get close enough to the target to strike

Sleight of hand: The 'drunk' man jostles around with the BBC reporter, making it harder for him to notice what is going on

Rich pickings: The sneering thief walks away with the wallet from the unsuspecting victim

Teamwork: The thief quickly hands the wallet to another member of the gang, who spirits it away
Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: ‘These Romanian officers will prove to be a huge asset in cracking down on certain criminal networks who are targeting tourists in central London.’
Official statistics released yesterday showed pickpocketing thefts rose 17 per cent in the past two years.
In 2011/12, a total of 625,000 people fell victim, the Crime Survey of England and Wales showed.
That is an increase of more than 102,000 since 2009/10.
The vast majority of the total are classified as ‘stealth thefts’, but in 83,000 cases the victims’ possessions were ‘snatched’.
Monday, 2 July 2012
Beware of missed call to check SIM cloning
Next time if you get a missed call starting with +92; #90 or #09, don't show the courtesy of calling back because chances are it would lead to your SIM card being cloned. The telecom service providers are now issuing alerts to subscribers —particularly about the series mentioned above as the moment one press the call button after dialing the above number, someone at the other end will get your phone and SIM card cloned. According to reports, more than one lakh subscribers have fallen prey to this new telecom terror attack as the frequency of such calls continues to grow. Intelligence agencies have reportedly confirmed to the service providers particularly in UP West telecom division that such a racket is not only under way but the menace is growing fast. "We are sure there must be some more similar combinations that the miscreants are using to clone the handsets and all the information stored in them," an intelligence officer told TOI. General Manager (GM) BSNL, RV Verma, said the department had already issued alerts to all the broadband subscribers and now alert SMSes were being issued to other subscribers as well. As per Rakshit Tandon, an IT expert who also teaches at the police academy (UP), the crooks can use other combination of numbers as well while making a call. "It is better not to respond to calls received from unusual calling numbers," says Tandon. "At the same time one should avoid storing specifics of their bank account, ATM/ Credit/Debit card numbers and passwords in their phone memory because if one falls a prey to such crooks then the moment your cell phone or sim are cloned, the data will be available to the crooks who can withdraw amount from your bank accounts as well," warns Punit Misra; an IT expert who also owns a consultancy in Lucknow. The menace that threatens to steal the subscriber's information stored in the phone or external memory (sim, memory & data cards) has a very scary side as well. Once cloned, the culprits can well use the cloned copy to make calls to any number they wish to. This exposes the subscribers to the threat of their connection being used for terror calls. Though it will be established during the course of investigations that the cellphone has been cloned and misused elsewhere, it is sure to land the subscriber under quite some pressure till the time the fact about his or her phone being cloned and misused is established, intelligence sources said. "It usually starts with a miss call from a number starting with + 92. The moment the subscriber calls back on the miss call, his or her cell phone is cloned. In case the subscribers takes the call before it is dropped as a miss call then the caller on the other end poses as a call center executive checking the connectivity and call flow of the particular service provider. The caller then asks the subscriber to press # 09 or # 90 call back on his number to establish that the connectivity to the subscriber was seamless," says a victim who reported the matter to the BSNL office at Moradabad last week. "The moment I redialed the caller number, my account balance lost a sum of money. Thereafter, in the three days that followed every time I got my cell phone recharged, the balance would be reduced to single digits within the next few minutes," she told the BSNL officials.
France brings in breathalyser law
New motoring laws have come into force in France making it compulsory for drivers to carry breathalyser kits in their vehicles. As of July 1, motorists and motorcyclists will face an on-the-spot fine unless they travel with two single-use devices as part of a government drive to reduce the number of drink-drive related deaths. The new regulations, which excludes mopeds, will be fully enforced and include foreigner drivers from November 1 following a four-month grace period. Anyone failing to produce a breathalyser after that date will receive an 11 euro fine. French police have warned they will be carrying out random checks on drivers crossing into France via ferries and through the Channel Tunnel to enforce the new rules. Retailers in the UK have reported a massive rise in breathalyser sales as British drivers travelling across the Channel ensure they do not fall foul of the new legislation. Car accessory retailer Halfords said it is selling one kit every minute of the day and has rushed extra stock into stores to cope with the unprecedented demand. Six out of 10 Britons travelling to France are not aware they have to carry two NF approved breathalysers at all times, according to the company. The French government hopes to save around 500 lives a year by introducing the new laws, which will encourage drivers who suspect they may be over the limit to test themselves with the kits. The French drink-driving limit is 50mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood - substantially less than the UK limit of 80mg.
Sunday, 1 July 2012
The number of Britons arrested overseas is on the rise, official figures have shown.
The Foreign Office (FO) handled 6,015 arrest cases involving British nationals abroad between April 2011 and March 2012. This was 6% more than in the previous 12 months and included a 2% rise in drug arrests. The figures, which include holidaymakers and Britons resident overseas, showed the highest number of arrests and detentions was in Spain (1,909) followed by the USA (1,305). Spanish arrests rose 9% in 2011/12, while the United States was up 3%. The most arrests of Britons for drugs was in the US (147), followed by Spain (141). The highest percentage of arrests for drugs in 2011/12 was in Peru where there were only 17 arrests in total, although 15 were for drugs. The FO said anecdotal evidence from embassies and consulates overseas suggested many incidents were alcohol-fuelled, particularly in popular holiday destinations such as the Canary Islands, mainland Spain, the Balearics (which include Majorca and Ibiza), Malta and Cyprus. Consular Affairs Minister Jeremy Browne said: "It is important that people understand that taking risks abroad can land them on the wrong side of the law. "The punishments can be very severe, with tougher prison conditions than in the UK. While we will work hard to try and ensure the safety of British nationals abroad, we cannot interfere in another country's legal system. "We find that many people are shocked to discover that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office cannot get them out of jail. We always provide consular support to British nationals in difficulty overseas. However, having a British passport does not make you immune to foreign laws and will not get you special treatment in prison."
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- March (63)
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- December (76)
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- October (64)
- September (29)
- '
- ' Griselda Blanco
- 'Boutique Tourbillón' Puerto Banus
- 'Godmother of Cocaine
- ‘J.C’s’ bar in Calle Saltillo Torremolinos
- ‘jamonero de Trevélez’
- 'Kings of Dust' Gang Suspected of Murders and Shootings
- ‘Operation Búho’
- 'Operation Malaya' Marbella
- 'Paxi C'
- "El Nene" fugitive Moroccan citizen
- $10 mln bounty on LeT founder Hafiz Saeed
- £2m villa — named El Lechero
- £40million cocaine-smuggling gang are sent to jail
- 000
- 000 border arrests due to screening system
- 000 British nationals are imprisoned overseas on drugs charges
- 000 for info leading to capture of Eduardo Ravelo
- 000 illegal properties have been counted in the Axarquía region
- 000 in illegal bungs to bent police officers.
- 000 to the Spanish authorities to complete the repatriation
- 000-strong petition to Downing Street
- 1
- 10
- 100 kilo lioness escaped from the vehicle which was transferring her to Italy.
- 11 of the 54 prisoners in Menorca jail are British
- 12 injured
- 13 years for Mr Cook
- 15
- 17
- 17 years in prison for a Guardia Civil officer who with the help of a friend who is facing the same sentence
- 194 buildings which do not comply with the current PGOU Urban Plan guidelines
- 1999 to 2007
- 2 million € worth of heroin at Lidl
- 2009 ended with over 1.5 million unsold homes
- 21
- 22 Daniel Hastelow
- 23-YEAR-OLD man has lost his life during a brawl in Almería
- 24
- 240 kilos of cocaine have been found in the hull of a yacht in Huelva
- 32 arrests in luxury car scam in Spain
- 32 year old woman from Peru who was found dead at her home
- 34 year old man who killed his mother in the bar she owned in Santomera last year and then carried her decapitated head around the town under his arm.
- 34-year old victim
- 35
- 40
- 47
- 50
- 50 violent robberies across Alicante’s Marina Baixa and Marina Alta
- 57
- 6 million € in fake notes
- 600 Russian sex slaves
- 64-year-old woman has been found dead at her home in Granada with signs of a blow to the head and her maid has been arrested.
- 65 million euros
- 67
- 67 year old British man died in Torrevieja hospital yesterday just hours after being hit by a vehicle
- 7 men and 2 women aged between 18 and 41 have been arrested in a drugs operation against cocaine sales in Torrevieja
- 72 year old man was found hanging by the neck at his home in the Almería village of Cóbdar
- 730 cases of corruption currently open in the Spanish judiciary
- 76 kilos of hashish hidden in the airbag of their car.
- 89 year old woman
- A deadly spat with origins in Halifax has an eastern Canada police dragnet hunting the gangster wanted for a slaying in Toronto.
- A man identified as Amsterdam crime boss Samir B. was murdered in Benahavis
- A one-time member of the Portsmouth Bounty Hunter Bloods street gang was sentenced Monday to life in prison
- A parolee and reputed gang member was charged with capital murder Tuesday in the May 2011 slaying of an Inglewood nightclub owner
- A PLANNED bid for freedom by Melbourne identity Tony Mokbel has been sensationally scrapped.
- a Quebec member of the Hells Angels wanted se 2009 in connection to 22 murder cases
- a verdict that caps a riches-to-rags trajectory for the former Texas financier and Caribbean playboy.
- A wealthy homeowner cleared of any wrongdoing after stabbing to death a suspected burglar at his home
- Abarán
- Acid Man
- addictions-international
- Africa and eastern Europe lining highways throughout the country
- after the capture of four of its top leaders and the dismantling of about 40 cells in that organization in the state of Veracruz
- Águilas
- aka El Lince
- Alaska coast guards found dead at Kodiak Island
- Alfas del Pi (Alicante)
- Alfaz del Pî
- Algarve
- Algeciras
- Alharín el Grande
- Alhaurin
- Alhaurín de la Torre
- Alhaurín de la Torre jail
- Alhaurin el Grande
- Alhaurín el Grande
- Alicante
- Alicante and El Garruchal
- Alicante and Madrid
- Alicante and Málaga
- Alicante and Murcia
- Alicante for growing and then selling marihuana
- Alicante leads the field for the number of vehicle thefts which take place in the province every day
- Alicante man then took hold of a shotgun and fired at his wife as he chased her down the street in Gata de Gorgos
- Alicante port
- Alicante province.
- Alicante region
- Alicante sex shop
- Alicante.
- all aged between 20 and 45
- Alleged Imperial Gangster pleads not guilty to gun charge
- Alleged Quebec Hells Angels member arrested in Panama
- allegedly killed a drug dealer
- Allen Stanford was convicted on Tuesday of running a $7 billion Ponzi scheme
- Almayate Bajo
- Almeria
- Almería
- Almeria.
- Almería's Sabinal coast
- Almoradi
- Almuñécar
- Álora
- also known as Mara Salvatrucha
- Altea
- American 'illegals' in Mexico
- Among the funeral attendees were members of several Northwest Washington gangs
- Amy Fitzpatrick
- An Albanian fugitive accused of multiple murders in his home country has been arrested in north London after 15 years on the run.
- AN expat gangster has fled his £3million Spanish villa amid claims his life has been threatened by the Russian mafia.
- and also at the Touchwood shopping centre
- and Anthony Griffths
- And Beer
- and his gang are rumoured to be responsible for 25 murders.
- and Milan Mandaric
- and since authorities are not giving teachers
- and the Madoff funds
- and tips on assassination missions.
- Andalucía High Court has reduced sentencing for the 22 year old man
- Andalucia’s most wanted man Jose Luis Maseda
- Andalusia
- Another axe attack on a homeless man in Fuengirola
- Antequera
- Antonio Martínez and Rafael Aguilera
- Apache Junction man arrested in I-10 road rage incident
- Archena
- Argentina
- Armed guards are to be deployed on British civilian ships for the first time to protect them from pirates
- Arrest made after prison van escape in West Midlands
- arrested a 40-year-old man from Arriate
- arrested a 54-year-old man from Velez Blanco charged with a crime against public health after dismantling a drugs sale point
- Arrested by Costa del Sol police.
- arrested for alleged war crimes
- Arrested for allegedly throwing two suitcases of cocaine out of a hotel window
- arrested four people believed to have perpetrated a robbery on December 13 at an Orange mobile phone shop near the train station in the centre of Malaga
- Arrested the two alleged Czech hit men who are accused of killing the Mayor of Polop
- Arrests over child prostitution network selling girls as young as 11
- as exemplified by a recent Olive Press investigation
- Assault weapon used in Palmetto nightclub shooting
- Athens
- attempting to kill the victims with a chainsaw in Estepona Port
- Attorney General Eric Holder
- Audrey Fitzpatrick
- Authorities confirmed Monday were captured Saul Solis Solis
- Avi Yanai and his accomplices sold hundreds of women for prostitution to Israel
- Awaiting extradition to the UK
- axes
- Azhar Ahmed to stand trial over Facebook post about dead soldiers
- Baggage handlers to strike at Easter
- Bali jails Australian boy over cannabis possession
- Banco Santander Central Hispano
- Bank tax dodges halted by retrospective law
- Bankrobbers entered two banks on the city’s industrial estates over the weekend by making holes in the walls of adjoining premises
- Barajas airport
- Barajas airport in Madrid
- Barcelona
- Barcelona airport
- Barclays Bank told by Treasury to pay £500m avoided tax
- Barclays' Marbella branch
- Battipaglia
- BBVA bank estimates its losses at around €30 million.
- Belarus fights Europe to retain death penalty
- Benalmadena
- Benalmádena
- Benalmadena-Malaga motorway
- Benalmadena.
- Benetússer
- Benidorm
- Benijofar
- Benijófar
- Benimaclet
- Beware of missed call to check SIM cloning
- Biggest solar storm in years races toward Earth
- Binstock
- blaze started near the balneario in an area which is popular with day trippers on bank holidays.
- bloody turf war between the Hells Angels and a rival motorcycle club called the Vagos
- Boadilla del Monte
- Body found in boot of crashed car on Alicante motorway
- Body of a tramp
- Body of a woman has been found inside a suitcase left on a street in Barcelona
- body of another homeless person has been found in Málaga
- Bogus doctor has been remanded to custody for a public health crime
- Bolivia
- Bolnuveo Beach in Mazarrón
- both in their 50’s have been arrested at the El Altet airport
- Boy
- Brazil judge's murder points to vigilante power
- Brian Regan: Brookside star to cocaine addict
- Bribe
- BRIT Government 'planning new Internet snooping laws'
- Britain's biggest ever Ponzi scheme Kautilya Pruthi faces 14 years in jail
- Britain’s crime hot spots revealed
- British cities are becoming no-go areas where drugs gangs are effectively in control
- British fraudster arrested in Torrevieja
- British man and woman
- British man faces charges in Alicante after trying to smuggle a large amount of cannabis on board a plane bound for Dublin
- British man who had an European Arrest Warrant in place against him for rape has been detained in Girona
- British Navy patrol firing at the Spanish flag.
- British police arrested three people
- British terror supergrass sentence cut by two years
- Brooklyn Woman's Death Result Of Feud Between Gangs
- Brutal Marbella crime syndicate plotted to snatch and ransom the family of a top UK TV presenter.
- Bulgarian and Greek.
- Burgos
- BZP smuggler
- Cabo Pino
- Cabopino
- Cadiz
- Cádiz
- Cádiz port
- Cajíz
- Cala Dorada Urbanisation
- Calle Ramón Areces
- Calvià in Mallorca
- Calypso La Cala de Mijas
- Camas and the Isla de la Cartuja.
- Cambrils
- Campo de Gibraltar
- Canada and Colombia
- Canadian man detained in Spain 'extremely thin and weak
- Canaries
- Canary Islands
- Cancelada
- Cannabis Growing
- Cardiff
- Caribbean Marketing UK Ltd and Voyager International Ltd
- Carlos Haya
- Cartagena
- Casablanca
- Casablanca Apartments in Puerto Rico
- Castellon
- Castellón
- Castillo de San Juan
- celebrity gangster-turned-author has been banned from the road after being caught more than one-and-a-half times the drink-drive limit
- Censorship
- central ‘Avenida’ bar in Avenida País Valenciano.
- Ceuta
- charity worker employed by one of David Cameron’s Big Society gurus has been arrested on suspicion of smuggling cocaine with a street value of £120
- Charles Stablerpensioner was attacked by a burglar at his Benalmádena home
- Chiclana
- Chilches
- child pornography
- Church minister tells of past crime
- Ciudad Real
- Civil Guard have revealed drug hauls amounting to more than six tons of cannabis resin in Málaga province since
- Civil Guard officer is in a coma in a Málaga hospital after being hit by a drunk driver on the A-357 road
- Clark County Detention Center
- Climate change is gradually turning Spain into a fire zone
- Cocaine
- Coin
- Collado-Villalba
- Colmenar and Casabermeja
- Colombia
- Colombia Connection
- Colombian drug trafficker
- Cómpeta
- compiled CDs with instructions on how to make electronic detonators
- confrontation was between members of the outlaw Gypsy Jokers and Comancheros motorcycle gangs
- Confusion surrounds Australian prisoners held in Bali riot jail
- Cook County jury has convicted a 22-year-old reputed gang member of killing a Chicago police officer two years ago.
- Cork airport
- Corruption
- Coslada
- Costa Blanca
- Costa Brava
- Costa Concordia captain Francesco Schettino told he will 'pay for this' by coast guard
- Costa connection
- Costa de La Luz
- Costa del Sol
- Costa Del Sol and Tenerife
- Costa Del Sol drugs war
- Costa del Sol Hospital in Marbella
- Costa del Sol Hospital in Marbella child eating cake which had been made with vodka and marijuana
- Costa Tropical
- Cotillo and Antigua
- counted a total of 38
- counterfeit games consoles
- counterfeit Osborne black bull
- Credit card fraud websites shut down on three continents
- Crespo Funeral Home in Burjassot
- Crocodile Park in Torremolinos
- Cueta
- Cuevas del Almanzora
- Customs officers’ handling of a fraud probe in which millions of pounds worth of alcohol was smuggled into Britain
- Customs services
- D Richard Henry Roberts
- D.O.M Team
- dangerous drivers
- Daniel Hastelow murder case
- Dead Man Inc.: 22 charged in indictment of white prison gang
- Deadlocked Stanford Fraud Trial Jury Told to Keep Deliberating
- death of a 42 year old Russian woman whose stabbed body was found in her home in Almería.
- Death of Irish boxer Ollie Walsh
- Dénia
- Denmark
- deported after trying to re-enter the country
- died instantly in Málaga on Wednesday after a woman threw herself from an eighth floor window
- Dingle
- Domestic violence claimed its first victim of 2010
- Dona Fortuna
- Donaldson enjoyed a lavish lifestyle in Marbella and Tenerife
- Dos Hermanas
- Dowler lawyer pursues US legal action against News Corp
- downfall of the Lib Dem fraudster
- dragged a mile by East Bay Paratransit bus in San Leandro
- Dramatic new phone hacking twist as police quiz top Guardian writer
- Dream Warrior Recovery: Individual selfhood is expressed in the self's capacity for self-transcendence
- Drug gangs report blasting UK cities as dangerous
- Drug Smuggling
- Drugs
- Dublin
- dump 35 bodies on busy downtown avenue in Gulf coast city in Mexico
- Duquesa
- east London
- East Norriton
- Ebola Alert In Alicante After Man Taken Ill
- Ebola outbreak vastly underestimated
- Ecstasy on the Costa del Sol
- Eight people from 'Holy Death' cult arrested in Mexico over ritual sacrifices of woman and two 10-year-old boys
- eight Spaniards
- Eighteen people have been arrested across Spain for the illegal online sale of protected species
- El Altet airport
- El Altet airport in Alicante
- El Chorro
- El Ejido
- El Ejido Town Hall
- El Médano
- El Pino camp site
- Elche
- Elderly couple found in the ashes of a house fire in Villarubia on the outskirts of Córdoba on Friday
- emails are believed to show that large amounts were paid under false names to mask the officers' identities.
- Emporium Disco Torremolinos
- Enrico De Pedis
- Esbjerg
- Estapona
- Estepona
- Estepona cracks down on street prostitution
- Estepona port
- Estonian gangsters netted a quarter of a million pounds worth of designer watches from a jewellers in Newcastle city centre.
- EU condemns Repsol state seizure
- EU cookie implementation deadline is today
- Europe’s biggest haul of heroin Seseña
- European arrest warrant in Spain
- European court rules against Italy for expelling migrants
- European Union demand to arrest Ratko Mladic
- ex-York Police Chief David Rowry’s fatal shooting of Joe Louis Bell was a crime.
- Excite FM
- Exeter crack cocaine and heroin gang jailed
- Expats Under Attack
- extortion and drug trafficking
- Extremadura
- Failure to take phone hacking seriously ends in resignation of Met assistant commissioner who handled string of big cases
- Family alcoholism linked to kid risks
- family must hand over a cheque for £10
- Fasnia
- Fat FreddieThomson has been wanted in Spain for the past 18 months
- Fatal shooting spree 'settling of beefs' between Bacon and Dhak-Duhre gangs
- FBI offers up to $100
- Feared To Be EastEnders Actress Gemma McCluskie Is Found In Canal
- FEMALE pals of Murder Inc thugs John and Wayne Dundon are using SEX to recruit hitmen to execute gangster's moll April Collins.
- Ferrari California
- Ferrol
- Fighting
- Finestrat restaurant
- Fire in Benahavis
- First Spaniard dies of Ebola
- Fishing skippers fined £720
- Five arrested for road rage attack in Madrid
- Five hundred people gathered in Constitution Square on Friday evening to protest at the murder of Juan Jose Martinez Roman
- Five members of an elite police gun crime
- Five men have been arrested on suspicion of fraudulent transactions from accounts held at Bristol-based stockbroker Rowan Dartington
- Five teenage boys have been arrested in connection with the scrapyard fire that closed the M1 in both directions for several days.
- Flamboyant ex-boxer James Carlin
- flamenco dancer Juan Manuel Fernández Montoya
- Florida a top source of guns linked to crimes in other states
- for a crime against public health when he was found to be in possession of 10 grams of cocaine
- For a safe Costa del Sol
- Forces open fire on Kerobokan jail
- Foreign and female inmates to be evacuated from Bali's Kerobokan prison
- former full-patch member of the Hells Angels who was the bike gang's treasurer and top man in the Toronto area is in a fight to avoid deportation to Scotland.
- Former Hells Angels leader sues wrong government for seizing home
- Former Hells Angels leader to be extradited to California
- Former Lloyds worker Jessica Harper in £2.5m fraud charge
- Four attempted teenage kidnappings over the past month in Calahonda.
- Four people have been arrested in Alicante in connection with the illegal recording of new feature films in local cinemas
- France brings in breathalyser law
- France reporter Edith Bouvier asks for Syria evacuation
- France siege gunman 'is dead'
- Francisco Correa
- Frankie Weber
- Fraud
- Free at last: Longest-serving farang at 'Bangkok Hilton' is checking out
- Free Sex on the Net
- Fresh appeal launched to find man living abroad accused of murdering Nantwich man
- from Finglas in Dublin
- Fuengirola
- Fuengirola and Málaga City.
- Fuengirola and Marbella
- Fuengirola.
- Funeral held for Hells Angel killed at fellow biker's burial begins
- Galicia
- Galician drug runners
- Gang dispute sparked funeral home shooting that left 2 dead
- Gang killings review welcomed by barrister
- gang members are in custody after the initial 3 arrests after the Málaga robbery
- Gang members were left with an array of injuries after fighting with swords
- Gang murdered drug dealer then blew up his house
- GANG of drug dealers planned to flood Britain with £4 billion of cocaine
- Gang ringleaders: Mehmet Sirin Baybasin (left) and Paul Taylor (Pic: PA)
- Gangland boss Carl Williams fingers cop Paul Dale from beyond grave
- Gangs
- Gangs of highway robbers are targeting British tourists on holiday in Spain.
- Gangster suspect Freddie is bailed in Spain
- Gangster’s moll rents a house from Ashley Cole
- Gangster's Paradise Rapper Coolio Arrested In Las Vegas
- Gardai and Revenue’s Customs service
- Gas canister man storms office
- Gerard Kavanagh shot dead in Costa del Sol pub
- Gérgal in Almería
- Germany
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar bank account supposed to hold the company’s cash in fact had a balance of less than nine Euros and no credit facility.
- Gibraltar companies
- Gibraltarians treated them ‘almost like criminals’
- Girlfriend of notorious Boston gangster James (Whitey) Bulger agrees to plead guilty
- Girls as young as 13 are posting explicit photographs on Facebook
- Glasgow
- going after the rude boys and the bad boys and the bling culture
- Google plans to warn more than half a million users of a computer infection that may knock their computers off the Internet this summer.
- Goon squad gang tied to several shootings in past four years
- Gordon Brown has been left 'shocked' by the way his family's personal details have been obtained through alleged 'criminality' and 'unethical means'
- Gran Canaria
- Gran Canary island
- Granada
- Granada provincial court
- Greater Accra Regional Tribunal
- Greco Police Unit
- Greece
- Greece cannot leave the euro.
- green light has been given to the Spanish Government’s project to close down any web page which is found to be infringing copyright law.
- Grupo Mirador construction group
- Guadalmar
- Guadalmina
- Guadalquivir
- Guardamar
- Guardamar del Segura
- Guardia Civil
- Guardia Civil arrested 13 individuals of Rumanian origin accused of commiting 20 robberies
- Guardia Civil barracks Mijas
- Gunman kills seven in Michigan
- Gunmen halt traffic
- gunned down in Medellin
- guns for hire
- Hacking officers and the 'champagne links' to Wapping
- Hacking scandal: the net tightens on the Murdochs
- had been shot
- had been stabbed several times in the head.
- Half-baked Vancouver-Sydney drug smuggle ends in arrests
- hammers and even cars during the clash in Wallsend
- Harry Potter Star Jamie Waylett Jailed For Two Years For Violent Disorder In London Riots
- Harry Redknapp
- has been arrested by authorities in Panama
- has been arrested in Spain on suspicion of smuggling £5million of heroin into the UK.
- has been found in a Fuengirola car park.
- has been missing presumed dead in Spain for over three years.
- have attacked the decision to try them on the tax evasion charges
- have been arrested in Santa Pola
- head of security for a beachfront bar
- Heartbeat is axed after 18 years
- Hells Angel arrested in killing of fellow gang member
- Hells Angel biker rammed intentionally
- Hells Angel in casino shooting to NV court
- Hells Angel pleads not guilty in NV casino killing
- Hells Angels bikie war will explode in Kings Cross.
- Hells Angels and Zig Zag Crew kings of Manitoba's criminal jungle.
- Hells Angels have had a rough year in California.
- Hipoval and Renew House
- HMP Woodhill
- HMS Scimitar was using Flag No.1 during gunnery practice _ not the Spanish national flag.
- Holidaymakers warned on fake goods
- Holstebro
- Home Invasion
- Home town of Marbella
- Homeless man found dead in Motril on Sunday
- homeless man who was attacked with an axe in Fuengirola in the early hours of Monday regained consciousness on Tuesday
- homemade poisons
- Horsens and Århus
- Hospitalet de Llobregat
- How HMRC finally caught Nasir Khan
- How supergrass Damon Alvin turned the tables in gangland murder case
- How Wall Street Bankers Use Seamless To Feast On Free Lobster
- Huelva
- Huercal Overa
- HUGE volcano in Iceland could be about to blow which would turn day into night and cause chaos across Europe.
- Hundreds of Metropolitan Police officers
- Ibiza
- in Nueva Andalucía
- in the Southern Spanish region of Andalucia
- including the royal editor of Rupert Murdoch's Sun tabloid
- Indonesia moves foreigners out of riot-hit prison
- INDONESIAN authorities claim an Australian man arrested this week allegedly carrying 1.1kg of hashish inside his body was couriering for an international drug network.
- Instruction judge number 5 in Marbella
- Insurance
- international arrest warrant issued by a judge in Madrid
- International cemetery in Benelmadena
- international drug ring
- internet lottery scam
- Invasion of the pickpockets
- Iranian-American used-car salesman who believed he was hiring assassins from a Mexican drug cartel for $1.5 million.
- Iranians allegedly plotting the terrorist attack tried to hire the notorious Zeta’s drug cartel to carry it out.
- Irish
- Irish gangster based in Spain
- Irish man shot dead in suspected gangland murder in Spanish bar
- Irish teenager being held on attempted murder charge in Costa del Sol
- is a free man after completing his three year prison sentence for a fatal hit and run in 2003
- is buried in a Roman Catholic basilica near Piazza Navona.
- is likely to be arrested and prosecuted by police
- is serving a nine-year sentence after being found guilty of being a kingpin in a cocaine supply racket.
- is sexualising the dance floors of a much younger generation.
- ISIS terrorists discovered in Morocco
- island of Cabrera
- Israel's next war would be fought on several fronts - causing far heavier damage and casualties than other recent conflicts
- IT’S prison or death out there. I’ve seen people get stabbed and my friend was shot dead last year... I was lucky it didn’t happen to me
- It’s thought the shooting
- Italy
- Italy government hangs by thread as coalition crumbles
- jailed for 30 years for gunning down a rival drug dealer outside Wandsworth Prison in South London
- James Murdoch to resign as BSkyB chairman
- Jefferson County
- Jewel Robbers
- jewels and diamonds
- John McKeon
- Jose Ignacio de Juana Chaos
- José Pérez Díaz
- Juan Antonio Roca.The court considered that his situation was worsening and that with the news that he could have money stored abroad
- Juan José Martínez Román
- Julio Alberto Poch
- Jurors convict two men of first-degree murder in shooting death near Delray Beach
- just 13 years old and yet he poses brazenly with a deadly sawn-off shotgun during a 10-day robbery spree which brought terror to a city.
- Kansas man struck by lightning hours after buying lottery tickets
- Karl J. was too drunk to make a statement to police on the day of his arrest.
- Kate and Gerry McCann join protests against Ceop merger plan
- Kathryn Fuller
- Keira Knightley left shaken after burglars ransack her £1.3m flat
- Keith Abrahams
- Kevin 'Gerbil' Carroll murder trial
- kidnapping of a businessman
- killed and his body dismembered into six pieces 'behind closed doors' by a brutal drug gang
- known as 'daggering'
- known as ‘Farruquito’
- known as ‘Pepe el del Popular’
- L'Olleria
- La Caixa opposite the Hotel Torrequebrada
- La Cala de Mijas
- La Carolina urbanisation in Marbella
- La Casita
- La Línea
- La Nucía
- La Perdoma
- La Rambla in Chirivel
- Labour MP Eric Joyce suspended after 'head-butting' Tory Stuart Andrew in House of Commons bar
- Lago Jardin
- Lanzarote
- Las Americas
- Las Fuentes
- Las Palmas
- Las Palmas Court
- Las Palmas jail
- Len and Helen Prior's house demolished by the Junta de Andalucía
- León
- Leona Lewis has been caught up in a terrifying siege in Los Angeles.
- Lepe
- Lex Life and Pension SA
- Leyhill
- Lloret de Mar
- Lloret de Mar and Benidorm
- Lloret de Mar.
- LOCAL POLICE in Palma arrested a 32-year-old man
- Lock your doors alert as Whitby double murder suspect spotted on run
- London
- London Gang Sweep Leads To 13 Arrests
- London mayor says relationship between John Yates and Neil Wallis raises questions but refuses to be drawn on whether David Cameron should resign
- Lorca
- Los Altos de Torrevieja
- Los Camachos
- Los Montecillos
- Los Palomos complex in Palma Nova
- Los Zetas is depleted
- Luggage thieves caught at airport
- machetes
- Madeleine Cops In Portugal
- Madrid
- Madrid city centre
- Madrid's Barajas airport
- Mafia Bosses 'Turn Cannibal': Serbian Gangsters 'Ate Milan Jurisic In A Flat In Madrid' Say Police
- Magalluf
- Magaluf
- Majadahonda and Alcalá de Henares.
- Majora
- Majorca
- Malaga
- Málaga
- Málaga airport
- Malaga and Marbella
- Málaga and Valencia
- Málaga bus station
- Malaga on the Mediterranean coast
- Málaga province
- Málaga Provincial Court
- Malaga University
- Málaga woman has accepted a one year sentence for assaulting her son’s teacher
- Málaga's El Palo district
- Malaga’s Plaza de la Merced
- Malaya corruption case in Marbella
- male PC based on Croydon borough. He is aged in his 30s
- Mallorca
- Malta
- Man arrested over alleged police payments named as Sun journalist
- Man charged in shooting death of Inglewood nightclub owner
- Man claims he was under duress from gangland figure to steal
- Man dead after N. Portland gang shooting
- Man Held After Headless Torso
- Man sentenced to 12 years for gang-related shootings
- Man shot in Brunswick
- Man shot in Surrey was the half-brother of previously slain gang-associate
- Man stabs three people to death in Valencia
- Man who died in hospital following an argument on the CV-905 road in Rojales
- Mandela faces fraud charges
- Marbella
- Marbella and in Morocco
- Marbella boxer ring return after trainer shot
- Marbella Credit Card theft
- Marbella in Spain on Wednesday.
- Marbella Lawyers
- Marbella on the Costa del Sol
- Marbella planning office
- Marbella's second court
- Marta del Castillo
- Marta del Castillo Casanueva
- Marvin Herbert
- Mauritius
- Mayor of Mijas should erect posters and billboards with Amy's photograph and details
- Mazarron
- Melia Don Pepe hotel
- Melilla
- Members of the Bandidos
- members of the criminal gang MS-13
- Members of the Mad Cowz and Manitoba Warriors have been at odds for several weeks as they battle for turf and the lucrative profits
- Mention of Mafia at hearing for Hells Angel murder
- Metropolitan police anti-corruption unit investigated over payments
- Mexican Cartels Moving Drugs in Armored Vehicles
- Mexican kidnapping gang's leader arrested
- Mexican police arrest 15-year-old alleged drug-gang operator in murders of 2 women
- Mexico
- Mexico Arrests Boss of La Mano con Ojos Gang
- Mexico arrests senior Zetas crime boss
- Mexico via Madrid and Alicante
- Michael Brown: From £1.6m villa to prison yard
- Michel Smith
- Mickey Green
- Microsoft online services hit by major failure
- Mijas
- Mijas Costa
- Mijas pueblo
- Mijas Town Hall’s social services
- Mijas.
- Mike Tyson has for the first time revealed his lowest point ever in a searingly candid interview.
- military and government.
- Military court in Rabat
- millionaire Merrill Lynch Co. banker Robert Kissel
- Missing
- Missing M’sian girl took lift into Thailand from stranger
- Mohammed V Airport Casablanca
- Mojacar
- Molinos Marfagones
- Montesinos
- Monzer Al Kassar
- Moraira
- Moroccan teenager found dead on Marbella roadside was shot for trying to steal marijuana plants
- Morocco
- Morón de la Frontera
- Morroco
- Moto Club 12+1
- Motril
- Moving to synthetic drugs
- Murcia
- Murcia.
- Murder
- Murder of Alejandro Ponsoda
- Murtala Mohammed International Airport
- Nador
- named with the initials I.R.G.
- Narcogangs on the Costa del Sol have been hit hard in recent weeks with some 3.3 tons of the drugs being seized by Guardia Civil
- National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons and Other Related Matters
- National Court judge has indicted three former SS guards at Nazi concentration camps for genocide and crimes against humanity
- National Police have smashed a drugs gang which smuggled regular consignments of cannabis onto the Algeciras ferry
- Nautexco Marine
- near Ronda
- near Valencia
- Nechells
- Nerja
- Nevada
- New info about statin safety affects millions
- New Lockerbie bomber evidence' may clear Abdelbaset al Megrahi
- Nigerian sect kills over 100 in deadliest strike yet
- Níjar
- Nikki Beach
- Nikki Beach bar in Las Chapas
- Nikki Beach discotec
- Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport
- North Tyneside.
- northeastern Catalonia
- Novelda
- Now FOUR police chiefs face inquiry as PM is forced to call emergency session on phone hacking
- Nueva Andalucía
- Nuneaton
- Occulto
- of Hereford
- official figures have shown.
- Ojén reservoir Marbella
- Ojos
- Olga Pleguezuelos Puzueu stabbed several times
- On the run
- One in seven Cambridge students 'has sold drugs to help pay their way through university'
- One of Italy’s most notorious gangsters
- one of the main leaders of the group of Knights Templar.
- Onix Office Management in Palma
- Orihuela
- Orihuela and Torrevieja
- Orihuela Costa
- Orijuela and San Pedro del Pinatar in Murcia
- Our aim still is to establish ‘fear free zones’ where emotional distress melts away.
- Outlaw motorcycle clubs attempting to open clubhouses and tattoo parlours in Brisbane's West End and Fortitude Valley
- Paedo on the run in Huelva
- Painkiller warning as pack contains higher dose than label says
- Pakistani
- Palma
- Palma Majorca.
- Pamplona
- parents
- Pechina
- Pedro Tirado has now been imprisoned for accepting bribes
- Pego
- Peru
- Piers Morgan heads to Marbella to investigate a tale of two cities
- Pilar de la Horadada
- Piracy
- Plane loaded with Cocaine
- Playa de las Americas
- Playa de Las Américas
- Playa Marina urbanisation in Orihuela Costa
- Playasol urbanisation in Mazarrón
- Plaza y Janés
- police have arrested two men who shot at an alleged male prostitute who was dressed as a woman.
- police have still not been able to find her body.
- police hunt for Michael Brown's missing millions
- Police in Italy have seized more than a ton of pure cocaine worth
- Police in Málaga have shot dead a 54 year old
- Police probe Gold Coast shooting
- Police raided the Magog Motorcycle gang's New Plymouth headquarters yesterday
- Police Say
- Police smash Coffs crime gang
- Police smash gun supply ring operating out of tiny suburban tobacco shop
- Police study Murdoch's 'secret' iPhone account
- Police uncover 'serious and organised' criminality in £63m scam to breach European fishing quotas
- Police wrest control of Rio's largest slum
- Ponzi fraud: two men found guilty of involvement in £115m UK scam
- popular Caribbean dancing style used by adults
- Portugal
- Portugal and Italy
- Praia da Luz
- preventive custody in Spain
- Prince of Marbella
- prisoners
- Privacy Policy (site specific)
- Prostitutes in Sevilla are set to jump to the top of the council housing lists under new legislation from the City Hall
- Prostitution
- Provincial Court of Malaga
- Pub La Estrella Cómpeta
- Puerto Banus
- Puerto Banús
- Puerto Banus in Marbella
- Puerto Banús shooting
- Puerto de Alcúdia
- Puerto del Rosario
- Punta Umbría
- Putin assassination plot foiled: Russian officials
- Rabat
- Raids blunt medical marijuana season
- Rapist TV psychic Martin Smith found hanged in cell
- Rapper Young Buck -- Shot at 11 Times in Attempted Drive-by
- Rebekah Brooks and husband arrested in phone hacking inquiry
- Reina Sofia airport
- Report: Nevada Top 10 in Gang Members
- residency permit in Spain
- resident of Elche
- Rincón de la Victoria
- Rinconada Real urbanisation
- River Júcar
- Riviera Coast Invest
- Riviera del Sol
- Riviera Del Sol in Spain's Costa Del Sol
- Riviera del Sol urbanisation
- Robbery
- Robert Dawes was finally arrested in Dubai on an international warrant but is now living free on the Costa del Sol.
- Rojales
- Rójales
- Ronald Priestley
- Ronda
- Rosas
- Rosmarino restaurant
- Rupert Murdoch was branded “not a fit person” to run a major company
- Russian banker shooting: 'It looks like a contract hit'
- Russian banker shot six times had testified over murder plot
- Sabinillas
- Sacha Baron Cohen pulls Oscar stunt for The Dictator
- sacking of Juan Antonio Roca from his post as Municipal Real Estate Assessor at Marbella Town Hall was justified
- Saif al-Islam Gaddafi is pictured sitting in a plane in Zintan after his capture in Libya's rugged desert.
- sailing from Alexandria (Egypt) to Gijón
- Salamanca
- Salobreña
- Sam Ibrahim headed to jail
- San Ginés
- San Luis industrial estate
- San Miguel de Salinas
- San Pedro
- San Pedro Alcántara
- San Pedro de Alcántara
- San Roque
- San Vicente del Raspeig
- Sanlúcar de Barrameda
- Sant Cugat del Valles
- Sant Joan Despi
- Sant Jordi Alfama residential estate
- Santa María de Nieva
- Santander
- Santander's Optimal has commercialised more than $3 billion dollars of Madoff funds
- Santander’s Optimal Investment Services unit
- Santiago
- Santiago Mainar
- Saudi prince's convoy in Paris attacked by gunmen
- Scotland Yard lent police horse to Rebekah Brooks
- SCOTLAND'S failure to tackle the scandal of sex trafficking is exposed in a damning report today.
- Second arrest after man killed at Herbie Hide's home
- Sellent and Favara
- sentenced to six years and six months in prison for the attempted manslaughter of a colleague who he said harassed him.
- sentences of between two and nine years for three men charged with planning to kill a National Police officer
- serial killer
- serious and persistent breaches of Gibraltar’s financial services legislation.
- Serranía de Ronda
- Seven youths
- several lions attacked their trainers at a Ukraine circus have been caught on camera and posted on the internet.
- Sevilla
- Sevilla and Madrid of 9 members of a drugs network which smuggled cocaine into the country from South America
- Sevilla village of Pruna
- Seville
- Seville airport
- Sex Crime
- Sex is a multibillion-dollar industry in Spain
- Shawn Tyson guilty of murdering two Britons in Florida
- Sheen's ex-wife charged with cocaine distribution
- shooting a cop dead is now legal in the state of Indiana.
- Shot Dead In Gangland Hit
- shot in back in Poplar
- Sicily's tiny anti-Mafia TV channel
- Sierra de Bèrnia
- Sierra Nevada
- Silves
- Sitges
- Six alleged members of a crime gang were convicted on Wednesday of conspiring to assassinate of a well-known journalist and a fellow worker
- Six Britons arrested on Mallorca for making threats
- six men and two women
- Six people have been arrested in Valencia for kidnapping a businessman who was held captive in a countryside cabin
- small-time drug dealer was tortured
- Smuggling
- Sogecable
- Solihull.
- some of them mere children
- Son-in-law of King Juan Carlos of Spain admits he defied orders in corruption trial
- Sotogrande
- Sotogrande’s Rivera del Emperador zone.
- southern Andalucia
- Space nightclub
- Spain
- Spain and Morocco
- Spain is considered by many mafiosi as the best place to hide
- Spain no longer the main destination for Brit's second homes
- Spain to probe cigarette smuggling Crime.
- Spain's first private airport goes bust
- Spain's largest bank Santander
- Spain’s largest ever hauls of heroin: 50 kilos of the drug
- Spanish
- Spanish lawyer has disappeared along with an estimated €5 million of client’s money
- Spanish men captive in a house on an urbanisation in La Cala del Moral
- Spanish National Police
- Spanish royal family hit by fraud scandal
- Spanish state prosecutor changed his charge from murder to manslaughter
- Spanish tax authorities are cracking down on tax offenders
- Speeding was identified as a possible cause of what is believed to be one of the world's most expensive ever road accidents
- Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu.
- Star City
- Steak
- Stockton search for Hells Angels slaying suspect comes up empty
- students and the community in general the sufficient security
- Sun defence editor arrested
- Taliban free hundreds from Pakistan prison
- Tambovskaya-Malshevskaya Russian mafia
- Tambovskaya-Malyshevkaya
- Tangier
- Tarifa
- Tarifa port
- Tarragona
- Teenager Amy Fitzpatrick
- Tenerife
- Tenerife.
- Tenerifes south airport
- Terence Brown
- Thai court ruling clears the way for Viktor’s Bout possible extradition to the US
- The biggest fines in British maritime history were handed down to a group of Spanish fishermen on Thursday
- THE brother of murdered Claire Morris told last night how he held her killer's hand as they stood over her grave.
- THE crisis at the News of the World deepened after Scotland Yard said evidence showed the paper paid out more than £100
- the daily Sun had systematically paid large sums of money to “a network of corrupted officials” in the British police
- the Dutch-Argentine pilot convicted for throwing political prisoners out of an aircraft into the sea
- the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said.
- the forestry worker accused and found guilty of killing Miguel Grima
- The G-Shyne Bloods are a Richmond-area subset of the Bloods national street gang.
- The Goodfellas gangsters may live again at AMC
- the investment fund Fairfield Greenwich Group
- The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) has earned one of the highest rates of police killings in the world
- the Mayor of the town of Fago
- the Netherlands
- The number of Britons arrested overseas is on the rise
- the owner of Sheffield Wednesday
- the owners of the Spanish Digital Plus satellite system
- The shooting of three IRA members by the SAS in March 1988 is linked to a major review commissioned by the Prime Minister David Cameron
- The slain Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi secretly spirited out of Libya and invested overseas more than $200 billion
- The Tottenham Hotspur manager
- the United Arab Emirates and other countries.
- There has been a weekend of terror for immigrants in Tangiers
- Thousands of children' sexually exploited by gangs
- Three bailed over murder of ex-gangster Dave Courtney's stepson Genson Courtney
- THREE bodies were found in less than 24 hours in Cullera
- three gangs have struck deals to fly drugs to West Africa and from there to Europe
- Three people were killed in a shooting outside El Dueso prison in Santoña
- Time Share
- To bring about a totally new mind
- To the School Community: Due to the great insecurity we are living
- Toledo
- Tolox
- Tonight programme
- TONY Adams has been compared to TV gangster Tony Soprano
- Torre del Mar
- Torre Pacheco
- Torreforta
- Torremelinos
- Torremolinos
- Torremolinos and Fuengirola
- Torrequebrada casino
- Torrevieja
- Torrevieja and Dénia
- Torrevieja marina.
- Torrevieja port
- Torrevieja shotgun fired in the street
- Tortosa
- Torture
- Totana
- trafficking accused found hiding in loft with £70k in cash
- Tramps bikie club loses appeal to get back its guns because of link to Hells Angels Motorcycle Club
- Tres Estrellas campsite in Gavà
- Trolling Could Get You 25 Years in Jail in Arizona
- Tulisa's Friend
- Turkish
- Twenty-Six members of the Hells Angels motorcycle gang gathered in a federal courtroom Monday
- Two British tour operators who come to Spain go bust
- Two Chinese prostitutes have been arrested for dumping a client’s body in a doorway
- Two gang members who are thought to have fled to Spain after raiding HSBC
- Two killed in biker gang war started over Starbucks
- Two men 'with Liverpool accents' in Marbella bar attack
- TWO men who have been arrested by detectives investigating the murder of crime boss Eamon 'The Don' Dunne are senior lieutenants of crime lord Christy Kinahan.
- TWO people were arrested by Local Police after they used an umbrella to rob a perfume shop in the centre of Malaga
- Two Russian prosecutors suspected of protecting underground casinos have been put on the federal wanted list
- Two UK Murdoch journalists in apparent suicide bids
- u.k. sex offender
- U.S. financier finds Spanish refuge
- UK Border Agency hit by fresh 'bribes for visas' scandal
- UK charity Crimestoppers has launched a new appeal for British fugitives believed to be on the run on in Spain
- UK photographer Paul Conroy out of Homs
- Under European Union law
- unregistered buildings
- Urbanisation Laguna III in the area of Punta Prima
- Urrugne
- US blacklists sons of Mexico drug lord Joaquin Guzman
- US State Department
- Valencia
- Valencia and on the Balearic Islands
- Valencia and Torrent
- Vecindario
- Vega Baja
- Vejer
- Venezuela arrests Colombian drug kingpin
- Venezuela on Tuesday deported three suspected drug smugglers wanted in the United States
- Victoria Pinilla
- Video Report OJ Simpson
- Vietnamese-based organization known as the Catacutan Drug Crew.
- Vigo
- Vila Joiosa
- Villajoyosa
- Visconti Restaurant Marbella
- voodoo prostitutes
- Wanted
- was at a urinal inside the Stonewall Inn when one of the defendants allegedly asked him if he was gay
- was linked to drug trafficking
- was shot dead in his office on Monday.
- was the city you avoided
- Wayne Rooney launches phone-hacking claim
- wearing blue overalls and armed with a gun stole 150 euros from a shop
- went missing nearly two years ago from the very same area
- were held by police over the weekend after a riot broke out in the Camino de los Almendrales district of Malaga City
- were used as informants
- West Malling drugs gang sentenced
- Western embassies targeted in Afghanistan attacks
- which houses Schapelle Corby and the Bali Nine
- which involved four people
- Whitney Houston full autopsy report to offer more details
- who barely survived taking contaminated cocaine that killed her 'Amazing Race' producer boss
- who sparked a diplomatic incident when they were chased into Gibraltar
- whose name is not being released
- Why don't GPS warn you that statins can harm your memory?
- with an axe buried in his head
- with colorfully lit brothels staffed mainly by poor immigrant women from Latin America
- woman from Valletta was today jailed for two years and three months after she admitted to smuggling 12 pieces of cannabis grass hidden in dates into prison
- woman studying pharmacy at Granada University who was found brutally stabbed to death in her flat
- woman was murdered on Thursday night by her partner at their home in Palma de Mallorca.
- Woody Harrelson: 'He wasn’t the greatest husband. Or father. But...
- Yard detectives investigating Maddie disappearance travel to Spain and Portugal
- Yemeni security official says that a gunman shot and killed the French manager of Austrian oil and gas company OMV
- You can buy a Kalashnikov for a hundred euros on the back streets of Athens
- Zurgena