Thursday, 8 November 2007

crashed through their road blocks

It was a car chase right out of the movies. When a Guardia Civil patrol tried to wave down a car in the early hours of Thursday morning, the driver stepped on the accelerator and shot off at almost 200 kph, almost knocking down one of the Guardia. The chase began at Pilas on the A-49 which joins Huelva and Cordoba, going round the outskirts of Sevilla. It ended 183 kilometres later seven kilometres short of Cordoba with several Guardia Civil patrol cars in pursuit of the 36-year-old driver who turned out to be under the influence of drugs. The Guardia said he had maintained an average speed of just under 200 kph all the way and had crashed through their road blocks, damaging several patrol vehicles in the process. He was arrested and charged with “serious disobedience” (failing to stop when ordered), attempting against the life of a Guardia Civil and reckless driving.