Sunday, 5 April 2009

Alleged corruption Senior Customs officials

Government lawyers have ordered police to abandon an investigation into alleged corruption involving senior Customs officials.
The inquiry – which has cost the taxpayer at least £5.5million – examined Customs officers’ handling of a fraud probe in which millions of pounds worth of alcohol was smuggled into Britain without duty being paid.The fraud is estimated to have cost the taxman £1.25billion.However, the cases fell apart when it was revealed that the officers had encouraged the offences in a sting operation. A subsequent review by a senior High Court judge found major failings in the handling of the cases and a police investigation was launched. At one stage, Customs’ then director of law enforcement, Terry Byrne, and the organisation’s solicitor, David Pickup, were told not to come into work while police examined allegations against them.Both were cleared and the Metropolitan Police instead focused on allegations against 20 serving or former Customs officials.Last week, the six-year inquiry was dropped after the Crown Prosecution Service said it was not in the public interest to continue, and that there was no realistic chance of a conviction.Norman Lamb, the Liberal Democrat MP who has been heavily involved in pursuing Government action over the case, said last night: ‘There has been gross criminality which has resulted in the Government losing an astronomical amount of money and lots of evidence of horrific failure by the authorities. ‘It is utterly disgraceful that this has all now been dropped. No one at a senior level has ever been held to account for this. ‘The truth is, those responsible have got away with it; both the criminals and the officers who failed in their responsibilities to pursue it effectively.’Detective Chief Superintendent Nigel Mawer of the Met said: ‘As our investigation is concluded, the matters will be referred to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs to consider whether any action is required.’