Monday was the team’s 15th day at the site, with the search centred on the area where newspapers found show it to be the spot where refuse was deposited after collection on the night Marta’s body was allegedly dumped.Marta’s family were meanwhile in Madrid this weekend, collecting signatures in support of ‘cadena perpetua’ – life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. They now have 100,000 signatures asking for a referendum on the matter.
It’s now been two weeks since the search began in Sevilla’s main rubbish tip in Alcalá de Guadaíra for the body of 17 year old Marta del Castillo, after the main suspect for her murder, her ex boyfriend Miguel Carcaño., admitted to dumping her body in a rubbish container in Sevilla City. He had originally said he had thrown the body into the Guadalquivir River.The search at the tip has only stopped in the past fortnight to allow the team to rest on Sundays.
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