Wednesday, 6 October 2010

several lions attacked their trainers at a Ukraine circus have been caught on camera and posted on the internet.

shocking moments when several lions attacked their trainers at a Ukraine circus have been caught on camera and posted on the internet.

In scenes reminiscent more of a gladiatorial contest than a circus, lion tamer Oleksie Pinko is shown attempting to keep a lion at a distance, using a rod, in an arena in the city of Lviv.

At the start of the video Pinko is already visibly limping, having already been attacked by a lion, but as he continues to jab the animal, it lunges.

A voice from the crowd appears to reassure another as the audience grows increasingly concerned, moments before the lion attacks again and is joined by another of the five adult males.

Amid loud screams from the audience and roars from the lions, three other animal trainers then attempt to put off the animals with rods.

But as the scenes continue, the trainers are rounded up by the lions while two further trainers outside the arena attempt to stop the fight, one with water cannon.