Saturday, 4 December 2010

going after the rude boys and the bad boys and the bling culture Life for convicted gang leaders | The Trinidad Guardian

Life for convicted gang leaders | The Trinidad Guardian: "Life in jail for convicted gang leaders. That’s the sentence under the Government’s anti-gang legislation designed to clamp down on the 110 gangs which now exist in T&T, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan said yesterday. Ramlogan spoke about the situation in piloting the legislation in the Lower House. “We’re going after the rude boys and the bad boys and the bling culture,” he said. Ramlogan said gang members buy fancy cellphones and cars and lead women astray to join them in crime with their “bling” lifestyle.
The bill featuring big fines plus jail terms and wide powers for police requires a three-fifths special majority vote for passage. A number of Government and Opposition members were absent yesterday. Debate continues tomorrow. Ramlogan said the bill was a flagship in the Government’s artillery of legislation against rising crime. “...A daily diet of death, despair and destruction are seen on the front pages of the newspapers every day...urgent surgical attention is required,” he added. Saying gangs deal in drugs, gun-running, kidnapping, extortion, robbery, assault and rape, Ramlogan noted that former National Security minister Martin Joseph once said T&T had 66 gangs and 500 violent members who would “be hunted down.”"