Friday, 8 July 2011

emails are believed to show that large amounts were paid under false names to mask the officers' identities.

All the emails are thought to relate to the period after Andy Coulson became editor in 2003.

The Met is now trying to track down the officers who took bungs. It is believed just a handful of cops accepted the payments - but that some pocketed more than £100,000.

Scotland Yard Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson has launched an investigation into the payments, to run separately from the Operation Weeting probe into phone hacking.

Sir Paul said: "Anyone identified of wrongdoing can expect the full weight of disciplinary measures, and, if appropriate, action in the criminal courts."

Top lawyer Michael Mansfield QC warned the cops could face severe prison sentences if convicted over the payments.

He said: "I have seen similar incidents attract four, five or even six years - but this case is sufficiently serious that it could be even longer. It is unprecedented."